Call for Workshops
Continuing a long tradition, ER 2025 will host workshops to be held in conjunction with the main conference. These workshops serve as an intensive collaborative forum for exchanging innovative ideas about conceptual modeling, and for discovering new frontiers for its use. We specifically invite proposals for interactive workshops on new, emerging, or established topics in conceptual modeling, or its application in specific domains. We encourage workshop organizers to include activities that provide their participants with a true workshop experience. Topics of interest include foundations of conceptual models, theories of concepts, ontology-driven conceptual modeling and analysis, methods and tools for developing, communicating, consolidating, and evolving conceptual models, and techniques for transforming conceptual models into effective implementations.
Important Dates
- Workshop proposal submission: March 07, 2025
- Workshop proposal notification: March 14, 2025
Submission Guidelines
Workshop proposals must be submitted in English and in PDF format via the official ER 2025 submission page on Easychair: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=er2025
Workshop proposals should contain the following information:
- Title
- The target audience (e.g., researchers, practitioners) and the expected number of attendees
- Workshop topics and description
- Relevance to the ER community
- Information about previous editions (including the number of papers and attendance if available)
- Expected duration (half-day or full-day)
- List of organizers and their short bio (up to two paragraphs)
- Contact organizer information
- Tentative program committee members
- Target number of submissions
- Expected number of accepted papers
- Indication of types of submissions (e.g., full papers, short papers, abstracts)
- Submission evaluation process (e.g., number of reviewers per paper)
- Format of the workshop (e.g., paper presentation only, invited speakers, other activities)
- Necessary equipment and services
Evaluation Criteria
Workshop proposals will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
- Scientific quality of the proposal
- Relevance to the ER Conference
- Likely number of high-quality submissions
- Experience of the organisers
- Overlap with other workshops
- Workshop experience for participants (e.g., activities)
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact the ER Workshop Chairs at workshops-er2025@easychair.org